Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The relentless spirit of HOPE

The world cheered as the carefully choreographed rescue of the Chilean miners ended happily and heroically. Experts in the psychology of survival cited HOPE as the single most influential and sustaining energy driving this successful effort.

HOPE, like faith is a remarkable force. It rallies the human spirit like nothing else. I witnessed its pervasive and positive power two years ago this month when my dad was very sick in the hospital. I recall how tenaciously he hung onto mere fragments of HOPE as he slowly drew himself out of depression and despair to a miraculous full recovery. I remember thinking to myself that his HOPE was unreasonable. Ridiculous even. But I never doubted its strength as I saw it motivate him to reach for a better outcome, a happier life.

HOPE is universal. It is the religion of all. And we were reminded tonight, watching the last of the miners emerge from the rescue capsule that what the world needs now is HOPE.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Keeping the Faith, Feeling the Love

Looking for a job is a surefire way to stressfully ponder the TRUE meaning of life. In the beginning, the prospect of carefully seeking out the perfect position was invigorating. It began for me beneath a gentle halo that I might now callously refer to as blissful disenchantment. By that I mean that I was oblivious to my restless malaise, but too stymied to push out of my comfort zone in pursuit of a passionate purpose. It called up all the fears that we all face down...the scary unknown and its boundless opportunity.

My hope is that along the way I will learn to trust the universe and to look to the stars to guide me. And when I find it, that perfect position, I will start feeling the love.