Friday, October 6, 2017

Dog Day Afternoon

I took Velvet for a walk today and by chance, we crossed paths with a dalmation, who from the accoutrements in its yard, i.e. dalmation dog statues, jumping track, rings—looked to be a show dog. I cheerfully greeted his owner with a friendly...."does your dog compete?" to which she replied "yes" without a touch of pride or joy in her voice. At this point, since we were stopped, Velvet started to pull on the leash and I had to say "settle" to regain control of her. Big deal! I went on to say..."oh, I've been told that my dog has the temperment for competing," and the lady looked at Velvet (with unveiled disdain), and snarled at me (with uncompromising annoyance)—"I don't know if they have competitive venues for uh, mixed—um, non breed specific animals. I looked up at her, smiled, then looked down at Velvet and said, "don't take it personally Vel."

I quickly realized that the conversation was derailing and said, well thank you for your insight. Goodbye. As we walked away from them toward the opposite end of the street, she called out..."You'll have to get better control over that animal if you plan to do any kind of show work."

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